Welcome to the New Site!
Can I just start with an UUGH!?! I know a new website should be a time for celebration and champagne 🍾 but, I have built more websites than I can count, and I have built almost as many for other people as I have for myself.
A couple months ago we moved across the country from Oregon to New Orleans! It was a disaster of a move, everything that could have gone wrong did. I literally had to turn off my business, put down my art, to focus on this move and getting settled in our new home. While I was offline, I had a lot of time to brainstorm ideas, and think about how I will move forward as an artist.
I realized that in order for me to truly step into this role, I need to embrace the most important part. ME! I’ve had a business name since I started working for myself in 2011. I’ve gone through many re-incarnations, re-brands, re-niching, re-everything. But I realized that things never truly fit because I was always fighting a business vs. me.
So, I decided to finally put that domain name I’ve been paying for since 2009 to use, and I am now officially doing business as… Rory Linn.
As I was going to change some things over, I decided to just go ahead and move my site over to Squarespace 7.1. It has some new features that I like, and my old site had so much coding, I just wanted a fresh start. Unfortunately there is no way to just transfer over. I had to manually rebuild my site, and transfer over my shop and blog, piece by piece.
I’m so happy for this change, and I’m even happier that it’s done, so I can get back to creating. Keep an eye out for my next newsletter, I’ll be going over all the juicy details of my move, and what’s next for me!
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